Trusted Hearts Home Care Managers are trained nurses and social workers with the expertise and commitment to providing guidance and advocacy to deliver safe, cost-effective long-term care solutions. Our care managers serve clients from adolescents to adults, Veterans, and the elderly in Maryland.

Home Care Management Focuses on Relationship Building

Though our goal is to ensure that our clients maintain a maximum level of independence, safety and comfort while improving their quality of life, our care managers focus on relationship building. Open, honest communication enables us to develop client-centered, comprehensive plans which offer you and your family options on how to move forward in both immediate and long-term care.

Whatever your current living situation, Trusted Hearts Care Managers will help you navigate the medical systems, make better decisions to maximize utilization of insurance and benefits, and connect with social and community support systems for continuing care. From addressing difficult topics and complex issues, to making home visits, to suggesting services and addressing emotional concerns, our home care management service is here to make your life easier, enhancing your physical, social, and emotional well-being.